Results for 'Maurizio Filippo Di Silva'

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  1. Espinosa e o poder constituinte.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva, Ian Alankule Purves & Filippo Del Lucchese - 2021 - Peri 3 (13):199-227.
    Este artigo considera a contribuição de Baruch Espinosa a uma teoria do poder constituinte. Teorias modernas do poder constituinte geralmente concordam em sua essência paradoxal: um poder que vem antes da lei e funda a lei é ao mesmo tempo um poder que, uma vez que a esfera jurídica é estabelecida, tem de ser obliterado pela lei. A ontologia de Espinosa tem sido reconhecida como uma das primeiras fontes modernas do poder constituinte, no entanto, ele argumenta por uma equivalência estrita (...)
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  2. Who’s Afraid of Robots? Fear of Automation and the Ideal of Direct Control.Ezio Di Nucci & Filippo Santoni de Sio - 2014 - In Fiorella Battaglia & Nathalie Weidenfeld (eds.), Roboethics in Film. Pisa, Italy: Pisa University Press.
    We argue that lack of direct and conscious control is not, in principle, a reason to be afraid of machines in general and robots in particular: in order to articulate the ethical and political risks of increasing automation one must, therefore, tackle the difficult task of precisely delineating the theoretical and practical limits of sustainable delegation to robots.
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  3. Sul Dialeteismo. Lezioni Padovane di Graham Priest Ed Altri Saggi Su L Dialeteismo.Filippo Mancini & Massimiliano Carrara - 2021 - Padua, Province of Padua, Italy: Padova University Press.
    Per il dialeteismo ci sono contraddizioni vere. Questa concezione filosofica ha assunto una forma chiara e definita a partire dal lavoro del filosofo e logico Graham Priest – uno dei suoi padri fondatori, nonché uno dei suoi più strenui difensori. Questo libro intende portare il dialeteismo all’attenzione di un ampio pubblico, che non sia solo quello degli addetti ai lavori. Il volume è suddiviso in due parti. La prima include le cinque lezioni su "Dialeteismo e storia della filosofia" tenute da (...)
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  4. Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) Bridging Innovation to Health Promotion and Health Service Provision.Vincenzo de Luca, Hannah Marston, Leonardo Angelini, Nadia Militeva, Andrzej Klimczuk, Carlo Fabian, Patrizia Papitto, Joana Bernardo, Filipa Ventura, Rosa Silva, Erminia Attaianese, Nilufer Korkmaz, Lorenzo Mercurio, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Maurizio Gentile, Renato Polverino, Kenneth Bone, Willeke van Staalduinen, Joao Apostolo, Carina Dantas & Maddalena Illario - 2024 - In Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.), Intergenerational Relations: Contemporary Theories, Studies, and Policies. London: IntechOpen. pp. 201–226.
    A number of experiences have demonstrated how digital solutions are effective in improving quality of life (QoL) and health outcomes for older adults. Smart Health Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) is a new concept introduced in Europe since 2017 that combines the concept of Age-Friendly Environments with Information Technologies, supported by health and community care to improve the health and disease management of older adults and during the life-course. This chapter aims to provide an initial overview of the experiences available not only (...)
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  5. (1 other version)La Rue est à nous.Filippo Fimiani - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 2 (77):59-76.
    periphery looks at you with hate. This phrase in red neon struck the visitors of Landscapes, an exhibition by Domenico Antonio Mancini in the Lia Rumma Gallery in Naples, in 2019. It was not addressed to the public but to the nineteenth-century pictorial views relocated in the last room of the exhibition, as if repainted by the immaterial vandalism of the colored light. The exhibition’s theme was the visibility of contemporary suburban environments, now accessible through Google street view visualizations. Mancini’s (...)
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  6. Eserciziario di Logica.Massimiliano Carrara, Filippo Mancini & Andrea Strollo - 2021 - Padova: Padova University Press.
    Intervistati sul valore di questo testo, gli autori hanno dichiarato: «o questa affermazione è falsa, oppure questo è il miglior eserciziario di logica che sia mai stato scritto». Se la loro affermazione vi risulta poco comprensibile, ma avete intenzione di capirci qualcosa di più, questo eserciziario può fare al caso vostro! È uno strumento che integra ed estende un comune manuale di logica – ma che non si sostituisce ad esso, mancando la parte teorica –, ed è pensato per coloro (...)
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  7. La traduzione italiana delle Quaestiones disputatae de Veritate di Tommaso d'Aquino.Maurizio Mangiagalli - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (3):517.
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  8. La metafora considerata nei suoi molteplici usi.Filippo Contesi - 2022 - Itinera - Rivista di Filosofia E di Teoria Delle Arti 24.
    Metaphor has often been seen as tightly associated with both aesthetics and cognition, as well as with other aesthetic and cognitive phenomena such as imagination, symbol, allegory, analogy and simile. This article offers a theory of metaphor that accounts for such aesthetic and cognitive associations. The theory is based on a suitably interpreted version of a tool originally developed in an epistemic context, viz. Floridi and Sanders’ method of abstraction.
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  9. Voltaire, Candido, a cura di Sergio Cremaschi e Filippo Bruni. Voltaire, Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi & Filippo Bruni - 2001 - Scandicci (Firenze), Italy: La Nuova Italia.
    This is one more edition of Voltaire's "Candide", meant to highlight the wealth of philosophical and theological discussions hidden behind the apparently innocent veil of the most renowned fable of modernity. The rather extended apparatus accordingly consists of a series of short chapters by Filippo Bruni on the Enlightenment and Metaphysics, and in more detail, on theology, Free choice, the problem of evil, and happiness in an imperfect world and another by Sergio Cremaschi on the Enlightenment and morality, and (...)
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  10. Faceless Gazes. Rhetoric and Politics of the Google Street View.Filippo Fimiani - 2023 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 41 (3):529-540.
    Potentialities of attention and distraction with respect to images are critically reprised by Neapolitan artist Domenico Antonio Mancini. In Landscapes (2019), Google Street View addresses painted on canvases take the place of outlying areas of Italian cities, and of canonical oil ‘vedute’ paintings, obliging the viewer to switch from aesthetic absorption to a multitasking, reflexive attention enabled by the tools of mobile devices and the operative agency between the displayed and depicted images. Attracted by the ephemeral, geo-localized vistas displayed on (...)
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  11. Galileu Galilei: Un occhiale cavato dalle più recondite speculazioni di prospettiva.Jessika Curtinaz da Silva - 2018 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
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  12. Lo Stato e la Chiesa dall’Unità d’Italia agli Accordi di Villa Madama.Luca Corchia & Maurizio Rabani (eds.) - 2014 - Pisa, Italy: Arnus University Books.
    Considerando la disciplina degli effetti civili del matrimonio canonico, improntata a diversi “sistemi matrimoniali”, il volume ripercorre le vicende politiche e culturali che hanno segnato la storia dei rapporti tra le autorità statali e le autorità ecclesiastiche, lungo un periodo che copre circa due secoli, dal Code civil napoleonico del 1804 ai Codici degli Stati preunitari, dal Codice civile del 1865 del Regno d’Italia ai Patti Lateranensi stipulati dal regime fascista nel 1929, dalla discussione nell’Assemblea costituente nell’Italia repubblicana alle vicende (...)
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  13. Forma e Immagine: una lettura critica.Filippo Contesi - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:124-130.
    In a recent book, Immagine, Alberto Voltolini offers a rich and carefully written discussion of theories of depiction, which have drawn so much attention in recent Anglophone philosophy. Although Voltolini’s book has indisputable virtues, it also makes some questionable formal choices. The present essay presents a formal analysis of the book.
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    La menzogna.Neri Marsili & Maurizio Mascitti - forthcoming - Aphex.
    La menzogna è oggetto di interesse di molte discipline, che spaziano dalla filosofia morale alla linguistica, dalla psicologia empirica alla giurisprudenza. Qualunque riflessione sulla menzogna, però, ha bisogno in primo luogo di stabilire l’oggetto della sua analisi: che cosa sia la menzogna, e in cosa differisca da altre forme di inganno e manipolazione. Questo articolo offre un’introduzione al dibattito filosofico sul concetto di menzogna, dalle prime riflessioni di Sant’Agostino fino alla filosofia contemporanea. Tratteremo della connessione fra la menzogna e altri (...)
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  15. Introduzione alla pragmatica.Filippo Domaneschi - 2014 - Carocci.
    Il linguaggio permea la nostra vita quotidiana: quando chiediamo un caffè al bar, quando discutiamo con i nostri amici, quando salutiamo qualcuno o ci presentiamo a un colloquio di lavoro, comunichiamo utilizzando parole ed espressioni di una certa lingua. Conversare è un'attività spontanea e apparentemente elementare, ma che coinvolge meccanismi estremamente complessi e sofisticati. Tramite numerosi esempi e illustrando le teorie linguistiche e filosofiche più recenti, questo libro vuole fornire al lettore una "cassetta degli attrezzi" utile per comprendere e analizzare (...)
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  16. Lo sguardo a picco: Sul sublime in Filostrato.Filippo Fimiani - 2002 - Studi di Estetica 26:147-170.
    This paper is dedicated to the Εἰκόνες of the two Philostrati and to the Ἐκφράσεις of Callistratus, that is to say to three Greek works that bear important witness to the genre of art criticism in Antiquity and which concern both literary history and the history of art. The first series of Εἰκόνες is the work of Philostratus the Elder (2nd-3rd century AD) and comprises sixty-five descriptions of paintings with mythological subjects, which the author assures us he has seen in (...)
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  17. Desenvolvimento Embrionário e Diferenciação Sexual nos Animais Domésticos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    DESENVOLVIMENTO EMBRIONÁRIO E DIFERENCIAÇÃO SEXUAL -/- E. I. C. da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim Departamento de Zootecnia – UFRPE sede -/- 1.1 INTRODUÇÃO O sexo foi definido como a soma das diferenças morfológicas, fisiológicas e psicológicas que distinguem o macho da fêmea permitindo a reprodução sexual e assegurando a continuidade das espécies. Os processos de diferenciação sexual são realizados durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, onde ocorre a proliferação, diferenciação e maturação das células germinativas e primordiais, (...)
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  18. Øystein Linnebo, Philosophy of mathematics, Princeton University Press, 2017, pp. 216, € 29.00, ISBN 978-0691161402. [REVIEW]Filippo Mancini - 2019 - Universa. Recensioni di Filosofia 8.
    La matematica viene generalmente considerata uno degli ambiti più affidabili dell’intera impresa scientifica. Il suo successo e la sua solidità sono testimoniati, ad esempio, dall’uso imprescindibile che ne fanno le scienze empiriche e dall’accordo pressoché unanime con cui la comunità dei matematici delibera sulla validità di un nuovo risultato. Tuttavia, dal punto di vista filosofico la matematica rappresenta un puzzle tanto intrigante quanto intricato. Philosophy of Mathematics di Ø. Linnebo si propone di presentare e discutere le concezioni filosofiche della matematica (...)
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  19. Priest Graham, The fifth corner of four: an essay on Buddhist metaphysics and the catuskoti, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018, pp. 208, € 47.99, ISBN 9780198758716. [REVIEW]Filippo Mancini - 2020 - Universa. Recensioni di Filosofia 9.
    Graham Priest, ampiamente considerato una figura di tutto rilievo nel panorama filosofico contemporaneo, è conosciuto prevalentemente per i suoi contributi nel campo delle logiche non-classiche, e per essere uno dei fondatori della controversa tesi filosofica denominata dialeteismo. Non sorprende che, come per molti degli autori che vengono comunemente inseriti nella tradizione analitica, due delle aree in cui il suo pensiero è stato più fecondo siano la logica e la metafisica. Ciò che sorprende, invece, è la sua capacità di usare le (...)
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  20. Darrell P. Rowbottom, The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-Realism Revitalised, Routledge, 2019, pp. 216, € 113.50, ISBN 9780367077457. [REVIEW]Filippo Mancini - 2020 - UNIVERSA: RECENSIONI DI FILOSOFIA 9.
    Nell’ambito della filosofia della scienza, il dibattito tra realismo scientifico e antirealismo scientifico ricopre un ruolo di straordinaria importanza. In questo ambito, le posizioni filosofiche elaborate non sono poche. The Instrument of Science di Darrell P. Rowbottom presenta e difende una nuova variante della celebre posizione nota come strumentalismo, di chiaro orientamento antirealista. Questa nuova proposta viene denominata strumentalismo cognitivo (cognitive instrumentalism). Nello specifico, gli obbiettivi dell’autore sono due: definire in modo preciso lo strumentalismo cognitivo, chiarendone le tesi costituenti, e (...)
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  21. Amerindian heterotopia and the resistance against the Brazilian ethnocide.Gustavo Ruiz da Silva - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (13):2725–2741.
    This article aims, starting from a contemporary problem (the destruction of indigenous lives and cultures in Brazil), to think about ethical questions – especially in what concerns other ways of constituting subjectivity and (dis)obedience. Thus, the indigenous obedience issue will be based on Pierre Clastres’ societies against the State, giving an extent to Viveiros de Castros and possible relationships with our western reality. The subjectivity issue, then, will be approached based on what was pointed out to us by Michel Foucault. (...)
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  22. Nutrição e Suplementação Mineral de Bovinos de Corte.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    INTRODUÇÃO -/- A produção bovina no Brasil é fundamentalmente em condições de pastoreio, isto é, à pasto. Dado que as pastagens e as forragens não suprem as exigências minerais dos bovinos, principalmente na seca, a suplementação mineral desses animais torna-se uma prática essencial e obrigatória para obtenção de êxito na produção de carne e leite. Negligenciar os requerimentos minerais dos bovinos pode levar ao aparecimento de alterações metabólicas diretamente relacionadas com o desempenho produtivo do rebanho, além de complicações mínimas ou (...)
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  23. Hormônios e Sistema Endócrino na Reprodução Animal.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva & Emanuel Isaque Da Silva - manuscript
    HORMÔNIOS E SISTEMA ENDÓCRINO NA REPRODUÇÃO ANIMAL -/- OBJETIVO -/- As glândulas secretoras do corpo são estudadas pelo ramo da endocrinologia. O estudante de Veterinária e/ou Zootecnia que se preze, deverá entender os processos fisio-lógicos que interagem entre si para a estimulação das glândulas para a secreção de vários hormônios. -/- Os hormônios, dentro do animal, possuem inúmeras funções; sejam exercendo o papel sobre a nutrição, sobre a produção de leite e sobre a reprodução, os hormônios desempenham um primordial papel (...)
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  24. Karl Marx: Trabalho e Classes Sociais.Emanuel Isaque da-Silva, Alana Thaís Mayza da Silva & Eduarda Carvalho Fontain - manuscript
    WEBARTIGOS -/- KARL MARX: TRABALHO E CLASSES SOCIAIS Publicado em 12 de June de 2019 por Emanuel Isaque cordeiro da silva -/- KARL MARX: TRABALHO E CLASSES SOCIAIS(1) -/- KARL MARX: WORK AND SOCIAL CLASSES -/- Alana Thaís Mayza da Silva - CAP-UFPE(2) Eduarda Carvalho da Silva Fontain - CAP-UFPE(3) Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva – IFPE-BJ, CAP-UFPE e UFRPE(4) -/- Dentro do mundo marxista, como para a Sociologia, a fundamental e principal obra de Karl Marx (...)
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  25. Características Gerais dos Bovinos / General Characteristics of Cattle Bovine.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    CARACTERÍSTICAS GERAIS DO GADO BOVINO -/- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CATTLE BOVINE -/- CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES DEL GANADO BOVINO -/- 1 TAXONOMIA DOS BOVINOS -/- Consideramos, nesse primeiro tópico, a taxonomia (ordenação e classificação das espécies animais e vegetais, onde também pode-se encontrar a relação de familiaridade entre organismos distintos e/ou iguais, bem como sua evolução em diversos aspectos: físico, motor, locomoção, anatomia, etc.) dos bovinos. É levado em consideração os itens mais relevantes e mais estudados em Zootecnia, Biologia, Medicina Veterinária, etc. (...)
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  26. Anatomia e pintura no Libro di pittura de Leonardo da Vinci.Roberto da Silva Rodrigues - 2015 - Dissertation, Unifesp. Brazil
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  27. Filippo Bruno e Fra Giordano. L'abito non fa il monaco.Guido Del Giudice - 2023 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (1):50-54.
    C'è un particolare che può apparire secondario, ma che assume un'importanza fondamentale per la ricostruzione della vicenda personale di Giordano Bruno. Si tratta dell'abito monacale.
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  28. Nei dintorni di Galileo.Oreste Trabucco - 2022 - Noctua 9 (2):257-273.
    This text publishes the proceedings of the presentation of the book of Maurizio Torrini Galileo nel tempo, 2021), which took place on 19 November 2021 at the Museo Galileo in Florence. The presentation, chaired by Massimo Bucciantini, featured interventions by Paolo Galluzzi, Carlo Borghero, Stefano Caroti and Oreste Trabucco.
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  29. Nostri perpetuo memor. Per la storia editoriale delle opere di Marco Aurelio Severino.Oreste Trabucco - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):451-471.
    Many of Marco Aurelio Severino’s works were published in Germany, thanks to the intercession of his pupils. The prestigious Nürnberg physician Johann Georg Volkamer was Severino’s closest pupil. A relevant manuscript letter of Severino to Volkamer sheds new light on the context of the edition of Severino’s Zootomia democritaea. The correspondence between Severino and Volkamer was firstly studied by Luigi Amabile in the Ninteenth-century, and it was fully exploited by Maurizio Torrini about a century later.
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  30. Sidgwick, Henry, I metodi dell'etica, ed. by Maurizio Mori. [REVIEW]Sergio Volodia Marcello Cremaschi - 1996 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 88 (1):175-176.
    A short presentation of the first Italian translation of a classic of Modern Ethics ignored by Italian philosophers for more than a century.
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  31. Vision of Oneness.Ignazio Licata & Ammar J. Sakaji (eds.) - 2011 - Aracne Editrice.
    A cura di Ignazio Licata, Ammar J. Sakaji Jeffrey A. Barrett, Enrico Celeghini, Leonardo Chiatti, Maurizio Consoli, Davide Fiscaletti, Ervin Goldfain, Annick Lesne, Maria Paola Lombardo, Mohammad Mehrafarin, Ronald Mirman, Ulrich Mohrhoff, Renato Nobili, Farrin Payandeh, Eliano Pessa, L.I Petrova, Erasmo Recami, Giovanni Salesi, Francesco Maria Scarpa, Mohammad Vahid Takook, Giuseppe Vitiello This volume comes out from an informal discussion between friends and colleagues on the answer:what topic do you think as fundamental in theoretical physics nowadays? Obviously wereceived different (...)
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  32. Réguler les robots-tueurs, plutôt que les interdire.Vincent C. Müller & Thomas W. Simpson - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):77.
    This is the short version, in French translation by Anne Querrien, of the originally jointly authored paper: Müller, Vincent C., ‘Autonomous killer robots are probably good news’, in Ezio Di Nucci and Filippo Santoni de Sio, Drones and responsibility: Legal, philosophical and socio-technical perspectives on the use of remotely controlled weapons. - - - L’article qui suit présente un nouveau système d’armes fondé sur des robots qui risque d’être prochainement utilisé. À la différence des drones qui sont manoeuvrés à (...)
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    Morfologie del rapporto parti/tutto: totalità e complessità nelle filosofie dell'età moderna.Giuseppe D'Anna, Edoardo Massimilla, Francesco Piro, Manuela Sanna & Francesco Toto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
    CONTENTS: -/- SEZIONE I IL TUTTO E' UNO? IL RISVEGLIO DI UN PROBLEMA TRA SCOLASTICA E RINASCIMENTO Il principio omne causatum est compositum fra Tommaso e Cajetano Igor Agostini, p. 25 Parti e tutto in Montaigne. La natura e l'individuo tra frammentazione e integrazione Raffaele Carbone 45 Le minuzzarie e il tutto. Giordano bruno e la conoscenza universale Maurizio Cambi 75 -/- SEZIONE II A PARTIRE DA CARTESIO. COME PUO' ESSERE UN TUTTO L'UOMO? -/- Mente/Corpo in Cartesio. Spunti per (...)
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  34. Giordanisti, brunisti, bruniani e discepoli del Nolano.Guido del Giudice - 2008 - Diogene Magazine 10 (3):59-63.
    Intervista a Guido del Giudice sulla "Bruno Renaissance".
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  35. Un manifesto dell'inumano. Carmelo Bene a quindici anni dalla morte.Fabio Vergine - 2017 - Kasparhauser 1.
    Articolo in occasione del quindicesimo anniversario della morte di Carmelo Bene.
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  36. How to Do Things with Documents.Barry Smith - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:179-198.
    This essay is a contribution to social ontology, drawing on the work of John Searle and of Hernando de Soto. At the center of the argument is the proposition advanced by de Soto in his Mystery of Capital to the effect that many of the entities which structure our contemporary social reality are entities which exist in virtue of the fact that there are (paper or digital) documents which support their existence. I here develop de Soto’s argument further, focusing specifically (...)
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  37. Analytic Philosophy has a Language Problem.Filippo Contesi, Louise R. Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2022 - Institute of Art and Ideas News.
    Some time ago, the philosopher Luciano Floridi suggested that Western philosophy, and the mainstream contemporary approach to it traditionally called ‘analytic philosophy’, is in dire need of a reboot. The concern was that the discipline might be in a period of decadence. Analytic philosophy would be benefited by greater internationalization, wider and more transparent decision-making, and the reduction (as much as possible) of conflicts of interest as well as of its current habit of hiring and providing publication opportunities on the (...)
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  38. Disagreement and the Normativity of Truth beneath Cognitive Command.Filippo Ferrari - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Aberdeen
    This thesis engages with three topics and the relationships between them: (i) the phenomenon of disagreement (paradigmatically, where one person makes a claim and another denies it); (ii) the normative character of disagreements (the issue of whether, and in what sense, one of the parties is “at fault” for believing something that’s untrue); (iii) the issue of which theory of what truth is can best accommodate the norms relating belief and truth. People disagree about all sorts of things: about whether (...)
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  39. Stylistic Appearances and Linguistic Diversity.Filippo Contesi - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (5):661-675.
    Contemporary philosophy is beginning to pay to problems of linguistic justice the attention that they deserve in today’s heavily interconnected world. However, contemporary philosophy, as a part of today’s world, has problems of linguistic justice of its own which deserve meta-philosophical attention. At least in the philosophical tradition that is mainstream in much of the world today, viz. analytic philosophy, methodological and sociological mechanisms make it the case that the voices of non-native-speaking philosophers are substantially less heard. In this essay, (...)
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  40. Legal Standards of Proof: When and Why Merely Statistical Evidence Can Satisfy Them.Paul Silva Jr - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    The relation of normic support offers a novel solution to the proof paradox: a paradox in evidence law arising from legal cases involving merely statistical evidence (Smith 2018). Central to the normic support solution has been the thesis that merely statistical evidence cannot confer normic support. However, it has been observed that there are exceptions to this: there exist cases where merely statistical evidence can give rise to normic support (Blome-Tillmann 2020). If correct, this fact seems to undermine the normic (...)
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  41. The Language of Contemporary Philosophy.Filippo Contesi - forthcoming - In Josep Soler & Kathrin Kaufhold (eds.), Language and the Knowledge Economy in the European Context: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Routledge.
    Philosophy’s place, at the intersection of the scientific and humanities disciplines, makes it an interesting test case for the role of English and other languages and cultures in our contemporary knowledge economy. The humanities’ attention to the richness of the world’s languages and cultures is in tension with the science’s essentially cosmopolitan project. This tension is perhaps especially evident in ‘analytic’ or ‘Anglo-American’ philosophy. Despite complementarity in earlier stages of the discipline, the humanities and scientific tendencies are now clashing with (...)
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  42. Space travel does not constitute a condition of moral exceptionality. That which obtains in space obtains also on Earth!Maurizio Balistreri & Steven Umbrello - 2022 - Medicina E Morale 71 (3):311-321.
    There is a growing body of scholarship that is addressing the ethics, in particular, the bioethics of space travel and colonisation. Naturally, a variety of perspectives concerning the ethical issues and moral permissibility of different technological strategies for confronting the rigours of space travel and colonisation have emerged in the debate. Approaches ranging from genetically enhancing human astronauts to modifying the environments of planets to make them hospitable have been proposed as methods. This paper takes a look at a critique (...)
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    Knowledge-First Theories of Justification.Paul Silva Jr - 2024 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Knowledge-first theories of justification are theories of justification that give knowledge priority when it comes to explaining when and why someone has justification for an attitude or an action. The emphasis of this article is on knowledge-first theories of justification for belief. As it turns out, there are a number of ways of giving knowledge priority when theorizing about justification, and what follows is a survey of more than a dozen existing options that have emerged in the early 21st century (...)
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  44. From Trust to Body. Artspace, Prestige, Sensitivity.Filippo Fimiani - 2017 - In Felice Masi & Maria Catena (eds.), The Changing Faces of Space. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 277-288.
    What happens to artist and to viewer when painting or sculpture emancipates itself from all physical mediums? What happens to art-world experts and to museum goers and amateurs when the piece of art turns immaterial, becoming indiscernible within its surrounding empty space and within the parergonal apparatus of the exposition site? What type of verbal depiction, of critical understanding and specific knowledge is attempted under these programmed and fabricated conditions? What kind of aesthetic experience–namely embodied and sensitive–is expected when a (...)
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  45. Allegories of Immersion.Filippo Fimiani - 2023 - An-Icon: Studies in Environmental Images 1 (2):14.
    Fish Night, an episode of LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS (S01E12, 2019) based on a 1982 short story by Joe R. Lansdale, can be interpreted as an allegory of the impossibility of immersive experience: if real, it is deadly, because the images are no longer such or ghosts but living beings present in a shared environmental habitat, acting with but also against the subject, in turn no longer a spectator. Comparing the story and film, and ancient ekphrastic literature, I discuss, in (...)
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  46. Il linguaggio come collante tra menti individuali e socialità umana.Filippo Batisti - 2019 - In Gaia Bagnati, Alice Morelli & Melania Cassan (eds.), Le varietà del naturalismo. Edizioni Ca' Foscari. pp. 171-179.
    The pragmatist tradition in philosophy has left a sound legacy in many contemporary research fields. John Dewey’s continuist and emergentist approach to the nature-or-nurture problem in relation to the individual human mind has been regained lately in evolutionist psychology and related disciplines. For Dewey, language plays a fundamental role in creating and maintaining this continuity between the individual mind and the social and physical environment humans inhabit. The present article will focus on a few contemporary lines of research that identify (...)
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  47. The Varieties of Agnosticism.Filippo Ferrari & Luca Incurvati - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (2):365-380.
    We provide a framework for understanding agnosticism. The framework accounts for the varieties of agnosticism while vindicating the unity of the phenomenon. This combination of unity and plurality is achieved by taking the varieties of agnosticism to be represented by several agnostic stances, all of which share a common core provided by what we call the minimal agnostic attitude. We illustrate the fruitfulness of the framework by showing how it can be applied to several philosophical debates. In particular, several philosophical (...)
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  48. The Revolution in the Concept of Politics.Maurizio Viroli - 1992 - Political Theory 20 (3):473-495.
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  49. Cose debitrici. Credenze, atmosfere, arte.Filippo Fimiani - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (2):137-174.
    What happens when painting emancipates itself from all physical mediums, the piece of art disappears from the exposition site and it becomes immaterial, indiscernible within its surrounding space? What type of esthetic experience and embodied understanding of art is possible under these programmed and produced conditions, maybe dissimulated, and finally enunciated and affirmed next to and in place of that which presents itself with the title of art masterpiece? What type of description, definition and interpretation is necessary? What type of (...)
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  50. Disagreement and suspended judgement.Filippo Ferrari - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (4):526-542.
    Can someone who suspends judgement about a certain proposition <p> be in a relational state of disagreement with someone who believes <p> as well as with some- one who disbelieves <p>? This paper argues for an af- firmative answer. It develops an account of the notions of suspended judgement and disagreement that explains how and why the suspender is in a relational state of disagreement with both the believer and the disbeliever about the very same proposition <p>. More specifically, the (...)
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